Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rainy Day Blogging Is Better Than Jogging!

A big, no thank you!

You all know that I very rarely do my blog on a Saturday, but since it's raining, and I haven't done a blog posting in a while, I'm making an exception. 

Note: My font colors are all dull, which symbolizes the rainy morning I'm experiencing at this tom.

I did not even try to express my feelings on 9/11, yesterday. What could I say that hasn't been said. 

My granddaughter Bre completed another cross country race. Definitely a miracle! 

Most of you know her story. She has cystic fibrosis, went through brain surgery as a baby, and we did not know if she would ever be able to walk or talk.

Look at her now!

Click on link below:

I compared Donna to all of the women at the cross country meet and she was the most beautiful. I think it's her flowing, wavy hair that "gets me!" Kind of like Dyan Cannon's hair used to be, but Dyan's was not natural. 

I guess I'm the luckiest stiff in the world! 


  1. I want to know how you think this stuff up at 5:48 in the A.M.!!!

  2. You must be in an earlier tom zone. I'm in the Tom Selleck zone and you must be in the Tom Poston zone. About a 20 year difference! Thanks, Unknown!
