Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Just A Few Random Thoughts

I have no idea of why folks want to go to Mars. Let's solve all the problems on Earth, first, and then think about destroying the environment of another planet. 

Please stop dressing your pets in clothing. I know it's hilarious, but your pets HATE it! How would you like it if your dog forced you to chew on bones, hmm?

The My Pillow guy is a hypocrite. He boldly brags about his stuff being made in America, but buys his cotton from Egypt! What about American cotton? Why would I buy Giza Dream Sheets, when I would rather have GEORGIA Dream Sheets!!

I think it's been a year since a big pot hole appeared as you exit Schnucks Grocery store, here in Pekin, Il.  I know the police drive over it, as well as the city workers, but it never gets fixed! Are they out of money or just too lazy? Maybe both?

The W.H.O. (World Health Org. for you in Goofy Ridge) just proclaimed that we need to STOP the "shutdowns" of cities to fight Covid-19. What? First it was NO THREAT, then we needed to shut down and "stay in place", but now it's "we were wrong, you needed to stay open all along!" No wonder we are going nutty!