Friday, September 18, 2020

Trump Or Biden, Which One's Hidin'?

With only 46 days until the election that will change the future in so many ways that it will make all of our heads spin off our sockets...if we actually have sockets, we are faced with the ever present question of, who is hidin', Trump or Biden?

"What?" You proclaim! "It's obvious that Biden is hidin', not Trump!"

"Trump is all over the place! He's at airports, huge rallies, military bases, White Castle parking lots...EVERYWHERE he can find an ear to listen!"

"On the other hand, since Biden has come out of his "basement," he's only done VERY limited press conferences and speeches with just a handful of participants."

"It's gotta be Biden that's hidin'!!"

Don't be so certain about that, buckaroos! 

If you would have been paying attention, you would have noticed that Trump looks younger than ever before, his hair is not so orange, he has vitality out the wazoo, as he gives two hour speeches with humor and vigor, and Melania even looks happier! 

That's not Trump! The REAL Donald Trump must be hiding in the White House bunker, while a FAKE Trump is making all of these dynamic appearances! That's gotta be it, folks! No 74 year old dude has that kind of energy!

Conversely, Joe Biden is REALLY doing his events, although tiny events, because we know it's the REAL Joe by his speech pattern, movements, pace, gaffs and interaction with the public.

In conclusion, a vote for Trump is a vote for FAKE Trump, because the real Trump ain't that good, and a vote for Biden is a vote for the REAL Biden. What you see is what you get!


  1. Replies
    1. Good question, Paul! Good question, Paul! Good question, Paul! Good question, Paul! Good question, Paul!
