Friday, October 30, 2020

The Epitome Of Ambivalence And Drivel!

It's 6:56 in the morning and I need to write my Friday blog, but I'm not in the mood.

I'm usually enthusiastic about writing my blog on Friday, because I know the whole wide worm will be reading it throughout the entire weekend, but today I don't really care. 

I may just go on ahead and delete this sucker after I'm done writing it, due to my total ambivalence.


  1. the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
    "the law's ambivalence about the importance of a victim's identity"

I realize that all of you faithful readers would feel starved for entertainment without the stimulatingly profound comedy and wit of my blog, so I, most likely, will not deep six this drivel.

  1. nonsense.
    "don't talk such drivel!"

However, if I DO rub out this rubbish, you'll never know, because it will be floating around in blogosphere limbo, never to be seen by human beans. 

Unknownst to you peoples, in the middle of writing this I took Chevy-dog out for a walk, out in the frigid morning air, so I feel a bit more invigorated now!

In fact, this blog post may end up on a positive note!