Thursday, October 29, 2020

Why Are Political Ads So DARK?

For example...

A guy with a deep, scary voice talks over black and white, grainy pictures of the candidate and tells you how this person wants to take away your healthcare, remove pre-existing conditions, put innocent immigrants in cages, kill the LGBTQ folks, institute cruel racial policies, spread the covid-19 throughout America, torture puppies, ban ice cream, start World War 3, take away your toiletries, take away Netflix, take away COFFEE...etc, etc.

Uh, after the dude with the spooky voice begins speaking, I get turned off.

Come on, man! Nobody talks like that! Unless you're telling ghost stories to kids. 

They use so much hyperbole that I disregard EVERYTHING they accuse the poor candidate of doing!

  1. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
    "he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"

Well, I guess it's not actually hyperbole. Let's just say LIES!

Anyway, when people make up lies about other people, I tend to support the underdog, who is the target of the liars.

"How do you know they are lies, Danny? Maybe it's all true!"

I use my common sense and intuition...and some ESP, and remote viewing, and my gut...and past experiences, and, oh, I don't know...I just have a built in lie detector, I guess.

On the other hand, I could be full of malarkey, as Sleepy Joe would say. 

I usually am.