Monday, November 23, 2020

67,004 Total Pageviews!! What? Then Where Are All The Comments?

I'm sore confused, to use a biblical term.

I just noticed my total pageviews have jumped up to over 67,000, but I still only have 1, count him, 1 person who comments on my blog every day!!

Not a recent photo.

My ole school, buddy, Paul, who must have the heart of a lion, to continually comment on my dysfunctional drivel!!

Here's the way I figger. If I have 67,000 total pageviews, I should have, at least 67,000 comments, due to the fact my blog is so politically incorrect and/or compelling!

  1. evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
    "his eyes were strangely compelling"

On the udder hand, I have a long, painful record of being wrong, and there could be a billion diverse reasons for you guys not commenting. 

For instance...

1. Interference from extra-terrestrials, who are mad at me for revealing their world annihilating schemes! 

2. Computer glitches that work on my entire fan base, but NOT on Paul, who MAY be immune from computer glitches, due to his purity and faultlessness.

Paul on right...see how pure and faultless he looks?

3. Since you know I get slightly ticked off when y'all don't comment, you don't comment to slightly tick me off. 

4. You guys and gals are NOT tech proficient, and don't know how to put a gal durn comment in that confusin' comments box.

5. Even though you've been locked in for months, because of the Corolla-virus, you ain't got the tom to make a short comment on my hilariously, funny blob!

This Tom is not available.

In conclusion...