Monday, December 14, 2020

Billions Of Bloggadocious 222 Fans Bummed!

Billions of Bloggadocious 222 fans were totally puzzled, confused and verklempt, when last Friday's blog was NOT posted, for some unexplained reason.

The author had "no comment" when questioned by our seasoned citizen reporter.

However, the disenfranchised fans had a LOT to say...

Mary - "I always look forward to the Friday posting of Bloggadocious 222 to carry me through the weekend! I needed to visit my shrink 3 times on Saturday, which is actually less than my usual 4 times, but I know I'm messed up enough to sue SOMEBODY!"

Fred - "Soze, I goes to my smartphone, for my Friday dose of Danny's nonsense, and shoot far, nuthin' honey! I thought, what the!! Did Danny contact that covid? Heck and high water would not stop him from his bodacious blog!! I was brokenhearted and dumbfounded all stinkin' day!!"

Snowflake - "Wow, man! It was, like, NO FRIDAY BLOG! Like, mind blown!! Like, bummer supreme, dude!! Bloggadocious 222 is my freakin' guide to my life, man!! I was lost, man, until  I stumbled into the weed shop!!"

Percy - "Having Bloggadocious 222 missing from my Friday reading experience was disconcerting to the utmost. In a civilized society, we need a bit of uncivil drivel to balance our fragile psyches."

Bosco - "Well, I happen to know that Danny was just bein' lazy last Friday, and didn't give a wit about his sufferin', needy fans. He's a bad, bad Leroy Brown, when he's off his meds!!

Disclaimer: The strange person responsible for this blog is just estimating his fan base as in the billions, a more reasonable number could be 32 wacky friends. Nevertheless, billions is only a figurative, imaginary, wishful number that Danny Boy actually feels in his heart. Any attempt to verify the legitimate  figure will be met with a barrage of verbal poor excuses.