Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Health Matters When You Think About It! 

I'm not gonna waste a lot of time discussing the importance of eating healthy, getting plenty of exercise and living a clean life, because I never did do those things very well, therefore, I'm paying for it now!

What a Hippocratic oaf I would be, if I lectured you sweet people on the benefits of healthy living, when I, my own self, sucked at it, my whole life!


From time immemorial EVERYBODY told me to stand up straight. My mom, relatives...my teachers would write it on my report cards..."poor posture".."he slumps"...did I pay attention? NOOOOOOOO! I thought they were all picking on me, so I rebelled and walked even more bent over!

Now, look at me! I walk like Igor and I'm stuck that way! You know, like when your mom said, "stop making that face or it will stay that way!"

It's absolutely true! 

Example 2...

I always ate whatsoever I durn well pleased, with no limits to the proportions! I would go to a buffet somewhere, and fill my plate 3 times!!

Of course, now I'm Diabetic Danny, and I HAVE to limit my proportions, and NOT eat the delicious, high carb and sugary foods that I gorged on in my past life.

Example 3...

Exercise kinda went to the wayside after my army days, and my muscles went, uh, who knows where? Maybe they're under the couch cushions? Anyway, I hope I never have to run for my life! Godzilla would eat me real quick-like! 

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I got a covid test yesterday, due to the fact that I have to get ANOTHER colonoscopy again, Thursday, it's been a few years, and I started thinking about health stuff and, well, just felt like it, my fiends!!

Ordinary, run of the mill, fiend, for your edification.
 He actually looks pretty fit!


  1. wait , what ? I do poop on a stick (saying like Jalapeno on a steeeeck)
