Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Good Samaritan ... Or Was He?

So, I'm out shoveling snow yesterday, in 12 below wind chill, thereabouts.

Well, not REALLY shoveling. The snow was so light and fluffy, I just needed to push it off my driveway. No big deal.

I was about 88% done when a guy in his pickup truck stops, puts on one of those backpack leaf blowers and finishes the job in about 30 seconds! 

Wow! What a kind man...I thought! Therefore, I thanked him profusely!!

He just kept standing there, without saying anything. 

So, I thanked him even more! "I really appreciate it, man! What a nice thing to do!"

He still keeps standing there, saying not a word.

Then I realize what's going on. He wants me to pay him for his 30 seconds of snow blowing.

Here's what went on in my perfectly lucid brain...

1. I did not ask "blow boy" to do 12% of my drive.

2. If I had the money to pay someone, I wouldn't be out there in that cockadoodie 12 below wind chill, doing it myself!

3. I was counting on that last 12% of shoveling the driveway to complete my rigorous exercise routine!

At that moment I...uh...thanked him again, from the bottom of my heart!

At that, he just sighed and handed me his card. 

Oh well. Maybe I'll call him some day, if I ever have the extra cash and I'm not in need of vigorous exercise.

Most likely when hades freezes over, which may be sooner than we think with these temps!!!


  1. so go by a good cordless leaf blower and work the neighborhood ! take a red bucket too and put on a tripod !!
