Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Out Of This World Wednesday

Zquteozitsimuamua R&R

Gary and Rosie have decided to take a little R&R at the luxurious resort of Zquteozitsimuamua, in the Nedib Eoj system.

Guess who?

We find them sitting on a paradisaic  patio, high above the Alamak plateau, sipping New Kopi Jantan Traditional  Natural Herbs coffee...

Gary - "Life is good, Rosie girl! We are basking in the realization that planet Z70 will soon be free of all their mountains of trash, litter and garbage, due to the fact we turned them into super-goats with the ability to eat EVERYTHANG!"

Think I'm kiddin'? Get it? Goat? Kid? Watch this documentary clip. 

Rosie - "For once, you're right, Gary! All we need to do is sit here and wait for....OH, NO!!!!!!"

Oh, no? Oh, no?

What is Rosie oh, nowing about?!

Short OOTWW today, but the song took too much time.

However, that amazing song was well worth it, RIGHT? RIGHT?!

Never mind.

Simply join us for the next...


  1. well, that will really get your Cabra !!!

  2. What is the meaning of Cabra?
    feminine noun. 1. ( Zoology) goat. (= hembra) nanny goat ⧫ she-goat.
