Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Transparent Tuesday Talk Today! 

In case you never noticed, Tuesday is traditionally touted as a day for honesty, truth telling, transparency and getting it "straight from the horses mouth!"

This expression first became popular around the 1920s. It comes from the practice of examining a horse’s teeth to determine its age. This practice has given rise to other idioms and phrases that predate from the horse’s mouth.

For example, long in the tooth refers to the fact that as horses grow older, their teeth grow. Another related phrase is don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

The idea behind straight from the horse’s mouth is that you (or the source) have come directly from examining the horse to relay information about its age and condition.

I'm not a horse, but EVERYTHING you read on this blog, comes directly from my imagination, and also stems from me plagiarizing folks way smarter than I. 


gerund or present participle: plagiarizing
  1. take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own.
    "he was fined $6,000 for having plagiarized the song"
    pass off as one's own
    infringe the copyright of
    rip off
    • copy from (someone) and pass it off as one's own.
      "the author claims she was plagiarized"

Did you notice how honest I just proved to be, by sharing the embarrassing fact that I "BORROW" a tiny bit of  info from more brilliant minds?

The photos, for instance. I will occassionally use pictures from the internet that I did not personally take, because they are supremely better than my pictures.

Here are a couple of examples of pictures that I  sketched for this blog in ancient times...

Ain't transparency refreshing? Would you use your own pictures if they were as horrific as mine? Of course not!

Since this is Transparency Tuesday, I have to admit that I NEVER liked Seinfeld.

Please, don't hate me for not liking Seinfeld. I know, I know...EVERYBODY loves Seinfeld, but I do not. 

Why? You ask so inquisitively. Because I didn't think it had any soul, like The Office.

Okay, okay! Don't get on me about The Office, now!

Murphy Brown had some sharp witted humor, but it also had some deeply emotional stuff, like when Murphy hated Barry Manilow, but when he played this gorgeous song for her, she melted like butta!

Even though I know I'll get thousands of folks defending those rancid shows I despise, It's all good, because this is...