Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Greg And Dan Show Been Berry Berry Good To Me!

As most of you faithful readers already know, The Greg And Dan Radio Show has been more than generous in playing my wacky songs and comedy bits on their show. 

For instance, yesterday I wrote a song about a Shih tzu freeze advisory, that they had been advising listeners about, and they played it on the air, where billions of folks could hear it! That takes courage! 

(Disclaimer: Billions is an uneducated guess.) 

You don't believe it took courage? Just listen...

What other radio station in the whole wide worm (worm?) would play my dumb stuff?

Would Rush Limbaugh? No! Even if he was still alive! 

Would Howard Stern? Absolutely NOT! To him, I do not even exist.

I don't even think Fibber Mcgee And Molly would have played my absurd humor, if I had been alive back then, and asked them to play my "funny" creations. 

So, for the fearless pair of radio icons, Greg and Dan, to include my radical rhymes and rhythms within the goings on of their show, makes me cry out in total gratitude, and question their sanity at the same tom!! (Who's Tom?)

Wasn't it Andy Warhol who said, "we'll all get our 15 minutes of fame?" 

If that's true, Greg and Dan has put me way above the average, like a transgender swimming competitor! 

I hope you all have a pleasant day, and I hope you get your 15 minutes of fame, if you want it. But if you don't want it, good for you, because as I always say, "fame is fleeting, money is corrupting, but the person who rejects these things, is never interrupting, the other  folks who want it, more than chocolate candy, like the late John Belushi or even great John Candy (did I just rhyme candy with Candy?), who both are now not with us, which does NOT make me grin, so for you who care not fortune and fame, you're better off than them!" 

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