Sunday, January 27, 2013


I am starting a new feature on my blog on this wintry day.
It's called ST. LOUIS SUNDAYS.(Notice the Cardinal colors?)

Since I was bored and raged on the dirty, mean streets of St. Louis, I am dimly qualified to tell you all the inside stories of intrigue, deception, Soulard's Market, Bevo Mill, The Jewel Box, Kiel Auditorium, White Castle and so much more you don't care about!

However, I'm gonna launch this new feature by telling you about the day that Rick Gieselman, Ron Stevens and me got kicked out of the prestigious St. Louis Art Museum.

Now, I could make a short story long by telling you that we were all good friends, played on the Pattonville High School football team, were hilariously funny, and afraid of nuttin' honey! (We were too dumb to know better.)
                                Rick is in third row (75) Ron (33) Me front row (72)                   

I can't remember who came up with that stuff called "silly-sigh-bin," but something that had silly in the name couldn't be too bad, could it?

We all partook of the tiny objects...

DISCLAIMER: Any cavalier mention of the partaking of mind altering drugs should not be considered an approval, and/or encouragement of these demon inspired brain busters,  that WILL cause irreparable damage to the cerebral cortex, along with birth defects, 
facial tics, madness, and causing you to say, "nik nik!"

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, heading for Forest Park in Rick's old Chevy Biscayne, "Cheryl!"

Forest Park was about the coolest place to go because it had far out concerts, the St. Louis Zoo, the St. Louis Art Museum, and it was all 
Free Bird...Free Bird...Free Bird....
Whoops, a little flashback blast from the past!

Without even realizing it, we started feeling kind of silly on the way. 
Physically, it was like (to me at least) a little sparrow was flying around in my tummy tickling me, therefore, it made EVERYTHING funny!

Rick told me he felt "real silly."

That little sentence made us laugh from Page Avenue to the Debaliviere Strip , where all the strip clubs were located, featuring the "Hubba Hubba Girl," Evelyn West, "with her fifty thousand dollar Treasure Chest insured by Lloyds of London!"
Evelyn West

At this point of the adventure, I was starting to feel like a covy of quail could fly out me arse at any given moment, but I liked it, I really liked it, And so did Rick!

However, Ronnie started talking about cops, demons, bad acid trips, and uncomfortable subjects like that, and he was starting to bring us down.

Through the magic of time travel, we were suddenly there at the popular and FREE St. Louis Art Museum, and Ron seemed to be feeling better, so we meandered in.

OH MY GOSH, I'd been to the Art Museum many times before, but it was never like this! It was so remarkably beauteous, and colorful, and ......SILLY!!!

Ron was starting to act weird again, and seemed a bit paranoid about the big bag of "grass" I had in my pocket. (See disclaimer)

We told him to be quiet, so as not to bring undo attention to ourselves and he piped down a bit.

It did make me a bit concerned though, because I had already been arrested, and tossed in jail for ten days, due to picking mary-wanna in Illinois. ( We told the cop we were picking "polk", but he didn't believe us) 

I think we were what they used to call "peaking" when Rick and me noticed the faces of the people on the priceless Rembrandt's and Van Gogh's, their expressions were ALL so SILLY!!

We tried to turn our attention to other paintings, but EVERYONE in ALL the paintings had ridiculously SILLY  expressions on their  comical faces!

Were we on Candid Camera?

Someone had to be playing a silly trick on us, huh?

At that point we proceeded to laugh hysterically....
Now, remember, we are in the super quiet, and, oh so respectable, St. Louis Art Museum, rubbing elbows with the highly sophisticated, elite, society dudes and dudettes, while we were part of the unwashed masses.

Now, Ronnie was whispering at US to pipe down, but it was impossible at this point, because life in general had never, ever been so SILLY!

Did you know museums have bouncers?

We must have been a little more boisterous than we thought, because two guys, that were bigger than Andre The Giant, showed up and escorted us, by the arms, past all the silly pictures and stuff, all the way out to the statue of the guy on the horse at the front of the museum.
Me and Rick never stopped laughing, but Ron was talking about alien abduction, Storm Troopers, and revolution.

Did he take the same stuff as us?

Anyway, we left "Cheryl" parked at the museum parking lot, and walked down the hill to the zoo.

      What could possibly go wrong there?


  1. Great story and I loved the "nik nik" reference! Indians! So do we find out what happened at the zoo next week?

    1. That's still my favorite Jack Nicholson part! He made the movie for me!
      I was so sad when he got beat to death.
      I'm not sure if I really remember what happened at the zoo, but I'll search my depleted memory banks!
      Thanks for the good comment, Marty!
