Thursday, January 17, 2013


My lovely friend Sara from Norway

My sweet friend Sarah from church.

Unless you are totally blind as a bat, you can see that both of my Sara/Sarah girls are extremely gorgeous! 

I'm really angry because some people have criticized them for their wearing of nose rings, and other piercings that they frequently wear. 

Here is what really ticked me off.

I was in Sunday school and we were talking about approaching people to talk to them about Jesus, when one numb skull pointed to my beautiful friend Sarah and said, "I would have a difficult time talking to her because of all her piercings!" ( She was wearing a few shiny face ornaments that day)

WHAT? What an idiot!!

Scroll back and look at those faces! 

Exactly like my wonderful wife, those girls are the sweetest things on this planet! 
I know, because they love an old, grumpy, ugly, troll like me!

Sarah was really hurt by what this "Neanderthal" said,
and I told her I always seek out the people with interesting hairstyles, piercings, and freaky clothing to talk to, because they're usually the most interesting, creative, and fun!

The totally beautiful Sara (pronounced Saar-uh) from Norway, suffered from anorexia for a while, and has low self esteem because people told her she was fat!

Scroll back up and look at her! 

She has almost 16 million views on YouTube, but still suffers from low self esteem because of the absolutely heartless comments dumb folks have made!

I am really thankful I lived in the hippy days, where it didn't take long to find out outward appearances were in no way an indication of the love, or brilliance, or humor, or talent behind the wild hair and tie dye clothing.

A few examples of folks who didn't fit the establishment "look," but became icons to the world were Frank Zappa

Slavador  Dali

The Dalai  Lama

Albert Einstein

Janice Joplin

Mother Teresa 

Marty Wombacher
Notice he's sticking out his tongue like Einstein.

Yes, I know I wasn't  very funny today but when bigoted, ignorant, thoughtless people hurt my girls (which includes my 7 granddaughters) I get really TICKED OFF!

I must end this with a poem, or as they say in southeast Missouruh, a "pomb":

Don't make fun of people,
Because they're not like you,
Who have a lot of nose rings, 
or dye their hair sky blue.
And if they're 700 pounds,
Don't make fun of that,
You may not get your Christmas toys, 
'cause Santa Claus is fat.
Don't think that you are better,
Than a bum out on the street,
That dude could be an angel,
Who might cast you to the "HEAT." (Hell)
And if you see a puppy,
Don't kick him really hard,
Take him home and feed him,
You may get a cash reward.
Sara is my Norway friend,
Who treats me like a daddy,
So don't you travel over there, 
And tell her she's a fatty.
Sarah wears a bit of bling,
upon her face and elsewhere,
But you better not make fun of her,
Or I'll set fire to your hair!


  1. Great points you made today, Danny, I agree totally. And thanks for including me in that list, I don't belong there, but Gumby does! Burma Shave!

    1. In my estimation, you belong on the list of icons, Marty; Although your numerous body piercings, and blue flaxen waxen hair are cleverly hidden under your clothing, and short hair wig!
