Wednesday, March 20, 2013







WWWWWH Wednesdays are my rare opportunity to ask all the questions while you make a gallant attempt to answer them with your limited knowledge of the universe.

I'm not saying that I come from another world far beyond the puny Milky Way galaxy, or even the Snickers galaxy, because that would give away my secret identity, and you might figure out I am ACTUALLY a grotesque, creepy, lizard-like, monster, underneath this fake human skin. Ha ha ha! What a funny joke, right? 

So, don't even think about the possibility that I may be a brilliant, artificially intelligent alien, intent on taking over your minds and hearts, whilst I suck up all the resources of this place you like to call earth.

Let's begin the brain washing, I mean, innocent little quiz.

1. True or False: UFO'S are nothing but swamp gas, weather balloons, and wayward frisbees.

2. True or False: Roswell, New Mexico and Area 51 are, in reality, test sights for future Disney amusement parks.

3. The book that is titled, "To Serve Man," and was presumably written by huge creatures who came to earth from a distant solar system billions of light years away has been completely translated, and we now know it is what kind of book?

4.True or False: The question above is totally ludicrous, because didn't we already establish there are no UFO'S?
So how would the space aliens visit the earth, hmmmm?
Also, to think I, I mean, the creatures, would eat people is  really ludicrous, laughable. (I don't want to wear out the word ludicrous)

5. What is another means alien travelers could come to earth without the aid of flying saucers?
a. Time travel.
b. Stargate
c. Wormhole
d. Lateral dimensional travel.
e. A Segway.

6. If there were creatures called 
Glirkazoids that came here to earth 2000 years ago to help mankind to develop from a rural existence to the super electronical, atomical, astronomical world we live in today, what would they look like? (See video below)

7. Why is it you can't remember being abducted by grey aliens, and having disgusting, nasty, experiments done on you, and being 
injected with a tiny device that controls your thoughts and emotions? (I guess if you knew the answer, you could write a cool syfy book, huh?)

8. If it was discovered that the author of this blog was, in fact, a visitor from beyond, would you still love him?

9. What movie was the greatest?
a. Aliens
b. The Thing
c. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
d. Invasion Of  The Body Snatchers (1950's version)
e. National Lampoon's Mars Vacation

10. Who is the favorite entertainer of Gary the Glirkazoid?

Your time for taking the quiz has reached the 

Please place your answers in the comment box provided at the bottom of this blog post, and pray the third rock from the sun is spared from the cataclysmic space battle that will soon be fought for the domination of the universe! 

Have a nice day!


  1. 1. I thought UFO was a rock 'n' roll band.

    2. Roswell...wasn't that Jack Benny's butler?

    3. A self-help book for Jeffery Dahmer.

    4. You just wore it out.

    5. You just wore me out.

    6. Justin Timberlake.

    7. Justin Time.

    8. Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme.

    9. Time of the Season.

    10. Season of the Witch.

    11. Season's in the Sun.

    12. BURMA SHAVE.

    1. 1. Rock n roll band was correct! The Ultra Funky Octopusses.
      2. Correct! Roswell Rochester.
      3. Jeffery Dahmer is correct! You should try is head cheese.
      4. Oh, don't be so ludicris!
      5. Time traveling will wear you out alright, youbetcha!
      6. Justin Timberlake is correct! Well, not him, but your answer is!
      7. Correctamundo!
      8. The correct answer is parsley, sage rosemary, and thyme in a bottle, but we'll give it to you anyway.
      9. Love that song!
      10. Sabrina?
      11. Season's In The Sun? Really? Oh, please!!
      12. That's BS!
