Wednesday, August 7, 2013


When we last left our hero, Gary The Glirkazoid, he had just completed the first step of the "Gruesome Glirkazoid Gauntlet," by riding a pink bike, on a narrow rope, across The Gland Canyon, blindfolded, while singing "My Sweet Yellow Rose!"

Awesome is not the word for Gary! 

The word is "pure in heart!"

Well, I guess that's 3 words, but you catch my drift.

However, Gary needed to complete all 5 tests of the "Gauntlet" to gain entrance to the Supreme Glirkheads who had summoned him for some mysterious reason.

Legend has it, that the second test is the most difficult and terrifying of all!

Our fearless Gary was about to face the largest, fiercest, most vicious, meanest, smelliest, heartless beast in the whole universe!!

Please play the dramatic music!


Glirkzilla was  badder than ole King Kong, meaner than a junkyard dog!

This song is so much fun!

Gary had to walk through a valley that had 50 foot walls on either side, and the only way to reach his destination was THROUGH GLIRKZILLA!

This is starting to scare ME!

Gary had no weapons, armor, shield, or "Depends!"

He had to use his wits to defeat this horrible, gigantic, repulsive creature!

Our brave Gary slowly walks within a few feet of the hideous monster, and stands right in front of him...then all of a sudden he fakes left and then changes direction to do an "end around" the ferocious beast, running as fast as his little glirka-legs can carry him!

"NOT FAST ENOUGH"...roars Glirkzilla as he grabs poor little Gary in his enormous claw-like hands!

Gary knows this will be the end for him now, as his billions of years of life begin to pass before him in his mind.

The adventures, the girls, the heroic deeds, the girls, the travel to exotic places, the girls, the bowling tournaments, the girls...

Dying at the hands of this grotesque monster was bad enough, but the smell was really killing him!

What was that sound?

It was like the sound of tinkling glass...and all of a sudden the helper of all Glirkazoids appears in a hologram, like Princess Leia in Star Wars...IT IS YELLOW ROSE!! YAY!!!!

She says to Gary, "Don't you remember the song I taught you, that can free you from Glirkzilla?"

Gary tries to think (which is kind of hard when you're about to be eaten), and pictures himself by a lake with Yellow Rose...and then it all comes back to him.

Gary begins to sing, ♪Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea...♫

At that, Gary sees that gigantic tears are beginning to flow from Glirkzilla's eyes!

This was the song Glirkzilla's mommy used to sing to him when he was just a 40 foot baby!

Glirkzilla gently places Gary down on the ground and let's him pass, while Gary continues to sing...he's not taking any chances!

Once again, Cheryl...whoops...I mean Yellow Rose has helped Gary through another test and saved his precious little life!

But let's not feel too comfortable yet!

There are still 3 more tests that Gary has to pass!

Will he do it?

Will Yellow Rose come to his aid again?

Will he remain "pure in heart?"

We will find out next week on... 


This song still makes me cry, so I turn it off before the ending!


  1. Awwwwww, That is one of my favorite songs. I used to play the song over & over when young. Me & my Sister used to sing Puff the magic Dragon all the time. How sweet. I was shocked when I saw the song I had & still do as a child. :)
    I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this wenesdays blog. I just love the things that you write. I really treasure these. I have a soft spot for Glirka & cut pic of the lil green couple. haha. Luv U. YRoseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. <3 Thanks for these storys Danny.

    1. You are too cool, Yellow Rose! It's so reassuring to know you are always there for me, just like in the stories! I saw your granddaughter is coming to visit you for two weeks. Are you gonna read her some Glirka stories? LOL!
      God bless your little pea pickin' heart, that is REALLY big and loving!

    2. Yep, I sure am & I will help her write a comment if she wants. That would b so cute

    3. That would be totally awesome! I sound like a hippy retread...oh, yeah...I am a hippy retread! LOL!
