Thursday, August 8, 2013


I must have A.D.D. and not know it, because I don't take the time to focus on it long enough.

The original purpose of Thoughtful Thursday was to create an atmosphere of tranquility, calm, peace, relaxation, meditation, and happy you be makin' "happy talk."

So at this point in tom, I want you to dismiss all worries, fears, negative thoughts, heartaches, and pain from your being.

Shoo, shoo! Go away bad things!

Run away!  Take a hike! 

Make like a tree and leave!

Take a powder!

Hit the road!

Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out!

Now...isn't that better?

Let's take an imaginary walk through the lovely garden of our mind, and try to picture ourselves as not simply looking at the beautiousness, but being a part of the extraordinary, natural surroundings.

You can see yourself skipping through the good toms of your life, and telling the whole wide worm, "I'm a flower...I'm a flower!" are not smoking wacky toobacky!

Your awesome, miracle of a brain has little endorphins that can produce a natural high that surpasses marijuana...a lot!

Endorphins ("endogenous morphine"

are endogenous opioid peptides that

 function as neurotransmitters. They 


produced by the pituitary gland and

 the hypothalamus in vertebrates during 

 of spicy foodlove and orgasm, and

 they resemble the opiates in their 

abilities to produce analgesia and a

 feeling of well-being.

So as you are meda-deda-tating, on 

gorgeous trees, sparkling lakes, your first

 kiss, puppies, baby hummingbirds...

keep repeating...come on endorphins...
come on endorphins...
come on endorphins...come on endorphins!

Noooo! Not dolphins!! (Unless you're from Miami)

Okay! You are feeling the endorphins flowing to all of the relaxation centers of your body and brain now, and the pain, stress, frustration and worries are flowing out of your very being at this exact moment in space and tom...and even your obsession with Tom is going away!

Now, in this serene state of calm and vulnerability...


Just jokin' wit ya! Who needs money when I'm so good lookin'?

Have a great THOUGHTFUL Thursday, my friends!


  1. Great blog. Feel good feel good feeeeel gooooooood. Greeeeat feeeeeel good blog. Like a real hiiiiiigh!. Lol

    1. Thanks, Yellow Rose!
      A young girl hit my car from behind this afternoon, and I went to the hospital for x-rays, but they said my neck had no fractures, thank God!
      I think she may have been texting, 'cause she hit me pretty hard, and made my head snap back!
      Owwww, that hurt!
      Anyway, I'm home now, and will probably be super sore tomorrow!
      Have a great time with your granddaughter and the Barbies!
