Friday, April 4, 2014

Funny Captions Friday is where I search the World Wide Worm for diverse, unique, intriguing photographs, and write a caption for it.

Notice, I didn't say a "FUNNY" caption, because humor is so subjective. (Boy, do I know dat!!)

So take my hand, and we can stroll through the fantastical garden of pictorial delights and (possibly) humorous captions.

Oh...please...don't be afraid to take my hand. I will not harm you. Remember, I'm a "Doctor!" 

There ya go...Ooou la la, baaaaby!!!

Yeah, how did you know I went to the tanning salon?

Uncle Fester's family reunion .


Sweetie, there's another silly dude here on 
the beach that tried the old "head in the sharks mouth" trick!

My other designs failed, but this one will 
take me away from these horrible giants!

I wonder if this works the same way as with the biscuit?

Madge, I think your sister from 3 Mile Island is here!

You'll be fine, Tom! Just cut back on the coffee a bit, stop watching those old sci-fi flicks, and definitely, stop viewing rhymesauce videos!

No swimming, boating, or fishing! Ha Ha Ha! Very funny!

Oh, fer sure, Wilma! This style is the RAGE on Zyrox 6!

Merl Slunk is honored to be "the lamp" in the annual Goofy Ridge, lampshade toss!

What you lookin' at sucka! Never seen a chair outside before?!

Have a pleasant, safe, secure, happy, inimitable, abominable, iconoclastic, rebellious,
inconceivable (like in The Princess Bride), unscrupulous, edifying, freewheelin' weekend!!!!


  1. I liked these but the guy at the beginning freaked me out. LOL

    1. Thank you, Dee-Dee! I was sooo hoping he would freak SOMEBODY out! LOL! I hope you and Stan are doing good! Love ya, Danny and Donna
