Friday, April 12, 2019

If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time...What Good Would It Do?

I have a reoccurring meditation kind of exercise, where I imagine I've jumped into a time machine and traveled backwards in time. 

Let's say the 18th century, which is really the 1700's, but I'm not gonna explain why. It's way too confusing to me.

Okay. So I'm back in 1755, in London, England, and I need to convince folks I'm from the future. 

Telling them I'm from 2019 in the future does not work at all. 

Telling them about cars, electricity, going to the moon, trains, planes, television, movies, dishwashers, and the millions of other technological advances doesn't cut it, either.

They want proof, because I could be making all of this fantastic stuff up! 

Hmm. My problem is, I don't know how anything works! 

"Alright, you 18th century people, cars are made of steel and plastic, mostly plastic and..."

"What's plastic? I don't know. A bunch of chemicals thrown together to make this gooey substance that hardens into..."

"Make some? I can't make plastic, but it's really real!"

They say, "Sure it is."

"Tell us about this television," they exclaim.

"Television also has a lot of, uh, plastic, and wires and anyway, it shows moving pictures from a long way away..."

"Make a television for us now," they demand!

"Well, folks..I can't make a television for you right now, or actually ever, and you don't even have electricity!"

"What's electricity," they query?

As I ponder on how to explain electricity, I think ahead as to how I'll explain, airplanes, rockets, smartphones, microwave ovens, the internet...and THEN make actual working models to prove this isn't all in my imagination! 

Shoot! I don't even know where to find the chemicals to make plastic, or the ore to make iron and steel (they knew that in the 18th century, I think), or how to put everything together to make a car/train/segway/super computer/etc! 

I would be of no help to them at all, and would find myself in a dungeon, or the "Tower," (I think that's where they put crazies), or the "stocks!" 

Contrarily, has all of this technology REALLY been that great? 

Not goin' there with my technology friendly readers, but truthfully, human beans lived for thousands of years without high tech stuff, and were pretty happy, until they died at age 29. 

Hey! Have a fun, fantastic, fabulous FRIDAY!!!


  1. call me on your cellphone, you do have your cellphone, right ? you do have a cellphone ? is it charged ??
