Monday, May 6, 2019

Often Down, But NEVER Out!

I'm just as pleased as punch that so many of you are latching on to Bloggadocious 222!

It seems that all of the analytics about my blog "sucking wind" were incorrectomundo! 

So here is a BIG SHOUT OUT to all of you guys...and gals, who continue to make this blog a roaring success!

So often in this thing we like to call life, we are underestimated, disregarded, shunned, picked last for the neighborhood basketball team, and "THEY" don't know what they're missing!
You and I would have been the BEST thing that EVER happened to them, but, oh no, we weren't good enough for their stupid team, or group, or whatever! 
However, it's all good. It doesn't tick us off. If we were really angry, we would ramble on about it, but we are cool, calm, collected, and non-critical of those snobby uppity ups who missed an opportunity of a lifetime by rejecting our hidden powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men!

Just like when we were in grade school, and the boy or girl we adored, dismissed our advances, and danced with that conceited, Sheila or Billy at Teen Town!
Shoot! We were the best dancers! In addition, we would have treated our dance partner with the utmost respect and courteousness! 
But noooooo, Sheila or Billy got to dance the whole night away with our crushes, while we sat in those ridiculously hard chairs on the sideline! (If there are sidelines on a dance floor)

After all these years it doesn't bother us. If it bothered us, we would continue to spout off incessantly about it, but we're way too mature for that kind of adolescent behavior!

Just another note, I always wore a really nice jacket and tie, shined my shoes, and borrowed my dad's Old Spice cologne, so what's not to like? I was there for the taking, but Billy, or Timmy, or Douglas (especially Douglas) would get all the girls! 
That's all "water under the bridge" for us now, isn't it? We don't care about not being invited to stinkin' parties, being overlooked for high school reunions, job promotions, wedding invites, bowling leagues and other stuff that would make weaker individuals apoplectic!
  1. overcome with anger; extremely indignant.
    synonyms:furiousenraged, overcome with anger, infuriated, in a temper, incensedraging
We are better than that! Way better! We have proved to ourselves and a few others, that we are strong, lovable, kindly, sensible human beings, who have not let the social prejudices and mean spirited attitudes, snuff out our free, independent spirit, and self worth!

  1. However, it sure would have been nice to have been picked first for the dodge ball team, just once. 

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