Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pure As The Wind Driven Snow

Remember when we were all happy,
Remember when we were all gay,
We all ate our supper together,
We even asked someone to pray!

Our language was free from foul talking,
No one would mug us while walking,
T.V. was pure and delightful,
Except for the Twilight Zone, FRIGHTFUL!

Drugs were just aspirin and cough drops,
We didn't have fear of the beat cops,
We committed no crimes really serious,
Driving 60 would make us delirious!

Everything now is quite different,
To things good and moral we're ignorant,
The shows there on Netflix are sleezy,
But we watch them 'cause it's all too easy. 

I'm not being mean or judgemental, 
I just wish everything was more gentle,
The cursing and hate makes me shudder, 
Seems the world has arrived in the gutter.

You and I are the few rare exceptions,
Our behavior needs little corrections,
We're pure as the wind driven snow,
Game Of Thrones is on, I gotta go! 


  1. have you ever been in "wind driven snow " ?

    1. No! I was born and raised in Africa, where it hasn't snowed since, well, never! Besides, I'm only 99 and 44 hundreds % pure, with or without wind. Thanks for askin"!!
