Monday, September 23, 2019

Sept. 23rd Is National What Day?
September 23rd is...
Okay, gang! We ain't got a lot of time, so how can we celebrate all these, uh, celebrations, in just the 13, or so, hours remaining of Sept. 23rd?!

Okay...okay!!! FIRST and FOREMOST, we need to all wear something teal, for Ovarian Cancer Awareness! I do not have any teal clothing, but I feel I'm doing my part by telling YOU folks to wear teal!

This is teal, above, if you're color challenged like me.

Let's move on to Restless Legs Awareness Day (what a horrible affliction), that has disturbed the sleep of millions of good people, for no apparent reason. Including me in the past. For some mysterious reason, I don't suffer from it anymore. Thank God!

To make others aware of RLS, go to your nearest Taco Bell, and tell strangers your RLS stories. I'm sure they'll share right back atcha!!  

Well, it doesn't HAVE to be a Taco Bell, ANY place where your neighbors are gathered will do.

By the way, you should be doing these things as a family, because it's also National Family Day! 

Every member of the family should be wearing teal, and going to various places to talk about RLS, and while you're there, why not tell them about dogs that belonged to political figures in the past, like Nixon's dog Checkers, because Sept 23rd is also National Checkers/ Dogs In Politics Day! 

After that the whole family should search for all the bi-sexual's they can find, shake their hands, and thank them for being bi-sexual on this Celebrate Bi-Sexuality Day! How fun is dat?!!

Don't forget seahorses. They are bi.

Then, with your time running out, go to the Quicky Mart and buy as many snack sticks you can afford! Slim Jim's, those Sasquatch kind, beef jerky sticks...take them home and make snack stick pot pies to combine National Great American Pot Pie Day with National Snack Stick Day!!! 

These are all REAL celebrations for 9/23/2019, so you really need to get started NOW, to prove you're a great American!! Of course, I've already done my part by informing you folks. 

Have A GREAT ...

I know it says 2017, but it's the coolest image I could find.