Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday

Oxykranious Going Insanious!

Supreme High Command: "We are ordering you two suckers, I mean superheroes to travel to the foreboding planet of Oxykranious to bring peace to the warring factions that will destroy themselves, and the whole dang planet, if they are not stopped! We really don't care much about the inhabitants, but that planet has an abundance of rich minerals we need to exploit!"

Rosie - "Are you saying the Blue Oxykranions are fighting the Magenta Oxykranions, or is it the Ugly Oxykranions against the Hideous Oxykranions?"

Gary - "No, no! It's got to be the 5 Legged Oxykranions battling the 3 Headed Oxykranions? Right?"

Supreme High Command: "Well, it's actually..."

Rosie - "I know, I know! It's the Really Tall Oxykranions wanting to defeat the Giant Oxykranions! That's GOT to be it!!"

Gary - "You're a moron, Rosie! The Really Tall Oxykranions are peace freaks! They don't even swat Oxykranion mosquitoes they're so wimpy! Let me think, it's probably the Antenna Headed Oxykranions, who want to destroy the..."

Supreme High Command: "SHUT UP! Just SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE BOTH WRONG! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! It's the Live Creature Eating Oxykranions and Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions attempting to destroy each other! Good grief!!"

Gary - "I knew it! Those Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions have ALWAYS been trouble! Whenever the NORMAL Live Creature Eating Oxykranions want to sit down to a noisy meal of live spazesquid, the DPEO's make that gagging noise and act like the LCEO's are eating somebody's brother...which only happens on major holidays!"

Rosie - "I disrespectfully disagree, lamebrain! The utter grossness of the Live Creature Eating Oxykranions would make ANY gentle life form, like the Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions, want to hurl chunks! The only kind, compassionate way of eating is when it's a plant, with no heart beating!" 

Gary - "Did you know that rhymed?"

Rosie - "Yes. Thank you. I have a gift for that."

SHC: "So I don't emulsificate the both of you, I'm going to the Purple Glirf Saloon and toast your suicidal, I mean SENSATIONAL mission you will soon embark upon. Good luck! Your gonna need it! Your vital equipment for the mission has already been beamed aboard the Silver Sausage Spazeship.  I'm outta here!!

Gary - "The Supreme High Commander is such a nice guy! We should have him over to the the ship one of these days!"

Rosie - "Nice guy?!! He just ordered us to go on a suicidal mission, and you believe he's a NICE GUY? Well, he's REALLY not a guy, or a gal...the Supreme High Commander is actually a collection of AI computers that emulate the original Supreme High Commander from 2,222 kreptons ago."

Gary - "But, but...he said he was going to the Purple Glirf Saloon to drink a toast! How can a computer drink a toast?"

Rosie - Remember what I told you about, John Wick and The Brady Bunch?"

Gary - "Not real?"

Rosie - "Correctomundo! The AI computers want to convince us they're a living, breathing creature to make us feel comfortable!"

Gary -" Comfortable?! COMFORTABLE?!! I'm FREAKIN' OUT! How did you find out the Supreme High Commander wasn't a real live Glirkazoid?!!"

Rosie - "Well, uh, he...I mean, IT asked me out on a date once and when I went to meet "him" at the Purple Glirf Saloon, the place was empty, er, didn't exist, was only something planted in my brain, I think, I was very confused, so it felt sorry for me and explained what was going on."

Gary - "You went on a date? You went on a date?!!! Without me?!!! You Jezebel!!"

Chee-willikers! Is Gary a bit jealous? 

Is there gonna be a riff in the spaze team continuum?

Join us next time for...