Monday, November 30, 2020

Christmas Tree Set Up Seminar 

All of you  die hard (a great Christmas movie), traditionalist, never-fakers, who insist on a REAL Christmas tree, even though you're killing a living creature of the forest, need not read this, because I'm focusing in on faux Christmas trees that live forever, in a plastic kind of way.

You'll find your boxed up tree, 99% of the time, in the most difficult area to navigate in the house.

In the basement, underneath a pile of stuff, way up in the attic, up in the rafters of the garage, in a closet, enveloped in tons of clothing, but almost NEVER in a convenient place, unless you're one of those OCD, neat fanatics, who everybody resents!

If you're a normal slacker, like me, you never organize the branches, or color code them, or number them when you throw them in the box from the previous year. You just shove them in the box with a reckless abandon, because you're tired and want it all to be over before the new year begins.

So you dump all the tree parts in a pile, and then sort through the mess, and try to figure which limbs go on the bottom from the length of the branches, but sometimes you (meaning me) put the wrong branches on the wrong level, but just leave them there because you think no one will notice, but your spouse will ALWAYS notice!

Untangling the lights is an annual ritual, because instead of wrapping the lights on a specifically designed light holder thingy the previous year, you just wadded them up and threw them in a box, because you had partied too hardy the night before. 

Putting the "ancient" ornaments on the tree takes me forever, because I reminisce over every one, and I have to make sure each one is freely hanging perfectly, and NOT crooked from resting on a lower branch. Examples below ↓

Totally wrong!


Christmas music MUST be playing whilst trimming the tree! This is NOT OPTIONAL!! 

I hope this brief seminar helps you, but it doesn't really matter if you are a rebel like me, and NEVER pay attention to the advice of others. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday Special...Features Extra-Terrestrial Thanksgiving!!

As our beloved extra-terrestrials meandor around  this mysterious place they've found themselves in, that SEEMS like paradise, but may be fake heaven, they are confronted with another interesting creature, who is a very bouncy and enthusiastic tortoise!

Tortoise - Come, you must! Celebrating Thanksgiving, we are! Hurry, we need to!!

Rosie " Okay, okay! But why are you talking like Yoda?

Tortoise - "A cousin of mine, he is! Much stronger in the "force," I am!"

Gary - "Wha!! No one is stronger in the "force" than Yoda!  That's blasphemy! Come out of your shell and fight me, you slow slug!!"

At that, Gary finds himself underneath the quick as lightnin" tortoise, in a debilitating wrestlin' hold!! 

Tortoise -"Uncle, say!!"

Gary - "Uncle!"

Say Uncle

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"Say 'uncle'!" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response "Uncle!" is equivalent to "I give up" and indicates submission.

The tortoise releases Glirkazoid Gary, and simply beckons them to follow, which they do without hesitation, due to the fact that this tortoise is profoundly and fully filled with fountains of the force!

Rosie - "Look, Gary! That table must be 100 metrixes long, and filled with every variety of food to the MAX!!'

Gary - " Yeah, buddy! And lookie dare, entities from all over the multiple universes are assembled at the table to feast! Just like we do on our home planet of Glirka,  to thank God for giving us an abundance of stuff! Except we only allow pure blood Glirkazoids to partake of the food, as the "outsiders" slave for us."

Rosie - "Well, maybe this is a superior idea, Gary. Including EVERYBODY in the feasting, because we all serve the same God, namely Okrozhka!"

Instantly, the creatures at the table, who overheard Rosie, begin to say, "Okrozhka is not OUR God, we worship..." and then they begin naming the names of their personal Gods, like Qwertyyuiop...Vesxmeonoz...Wzyaqideam...Fred ... and the arguing, bickering, yelling and screaming becomes so intense, everyone leaves the Thanksgiving table!!

Gary - "Wow! From ancient Earth documentaries I've watched, this is like Thanksgiving in America 
, circa 2020!"

Rosie - "What have I done? I've ruined Thanksgiving in paradise! That's got to be about the worse thing a soul could do!!"

Tortoise - "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! (Now the words begin to echo) "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! 

The scene changes and we see Rosie and Gary waking up on the poop deck of the Silver Sausage Spazeship!

Gary - "Wha happen? Last thing I merember was being struck by a big asteroid on our way to Qzykranious, girl!"

Rosie - "I had the weirdest dream, Gary! I dreamed we woke up in Paradise where entities were claiming to be God, and we could wish for anythang we wanted and receive it, and I ruined Thanksgiving, because of my BIG MOUSE MOUTH!!

Gary - "Oh, shut up! We're not gonna end this story with a Bobby Ewing finale, are we?"

Rosie - "No, no! We're not ending this story, because we haven't resolved the dispute on Ozykranious yet!"

Gary - "Forget that stupid, fight, Rosie! No one can settle the conflict between meat eaters and plant eaters, so this is our final episode of this story...okay?"

Rosie - "Otay! However, next time we celebrate Thanksgiving on Glirka, let's invite non-Glirkazoids to eat, to show what a kind and loving race we are."

Gary - "Surely, as long as we can make fun of their bizarre eating habits!"

Rosie - Very well, but don't call me Shirley!

Monday, November 23, 2020

67,004 Total Pageviews!! What? Then Where Are All The Comments?

I'm sore confused, to use a biblical term.

I just noticed my total pageviews have jumped up to over 67,000, but I still only have 1, count him, 1 person who comments on my blog every day!!

Not a recent photo.

My ole school, buddy, Paul, who must have the heart of a lion, to continually comment on my dysfunctional drivel!!

Here's the way I figger. If I have 67,000 total pageviews, I should have, at least 67,000 comments, due to the fact my blog is so politically incorrect and/or compelling!

  1. evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
    "his eyes were strangely compelling"

On the udder hand, I have a long, painful record of being wrong, and there could be a billion diverse reasons for you guys not commenting. 

For instance...

1. Interference from extra-terrestrials, who are mad at me for revealing their world annihilating schemes! 

2. Computer glitches that work on my entire fan base, but NOT on Paul, who MAY be immune from computer glitches, due to his purity and faultlessness.

Paul on right...see how pure and faultless he looks?

3. Since you know I get slightly ticked off when y'all don't comment, you don't comment to slightly tick me off. 

4. You guys and gals are NOT tech proficient, and don't know how to put a gal durn comment in that confusin' comments box.

5. Even though you've been locked in for months, because of the Corolla-virus, you ain't got the tom to make a short comment on my hilariously, funny blob!

This Tom is not available.

In conclusion...

Friday, November 20, 2020

No Thanksgiving Or Christmas For You!

The Grinch Would Be So Happy! 

Okay, the old Grinch, before his heart increased in size, would be happy. 

I'm sure it's all a commie conspiracy, my friends!

The commies HATE our beloved holidays, so they created that nasty virus to keep us from gathering in large, loving family groups in celebration of our traditional festivities!

How mean!!

Now, I'm not talking about your every day, smiling, friendly Chinese citizen. They're delightful, and make delicious food!

It's the diabolical, elitist commie politicians, who must be more heartless than the Grinch, when the Grinch was in his early stage!

To tell the truth, I think Chinese babies are so adorable, and I can't even imagine them growing up to destroy our precious holidays, but it must happen, infrequently, or I wouldn't be able to spread this incredible conspiracy theory. 

I have the sneaking suspicion that most of us will secretly observe our holidays, with LOTS of family members, and be real sly about it, like first century Christians who were persecuted to the max!

As for me, I'm not sharing what I will do, because I don't want the "Christmas Cops" descending upon my abode, trashing my decorations, arresting my family members, and feasting on my turkey without permission...simply because I didn't observe the commie created social distancing mandate!! 

Just think, what would the Grinch do? Not the old, mean Grinch, but the converted Grinch with the triple sized heart!