Thursday, February 25, 2021

Monday 39, Wednesday 8...WHY?

 I've been sitting here, racking my diminutive brain, in search of the answer of this confounded question...

Why did I get 39 views on my ordinary blog on Monday, but only 8 views on my special, exciting, fascinating Out Of This World Wednesday blog on Wednesday? (yesterday)

I don't know, so you guys and gals need to tell me, if you have a little tom.

1. You hate comical sci-fi?

2. You hate sci-fi, period?

3. You are soooo busy on Wednesdays?

4. You are afraid of Glirkazoids?

5. You are plagued with spaze sickness?

6. You are afraid of what the future holds for the entire universe?

7. Rosie and Gary argue too much?

8. You are soooo distracted on Wednesdays? (I think I already kinda asked that)

9. It is a recurring Facebook glitch that happens every Wednesday, which blocks my blog?

10. All of the above?

Anyway, the whole point of this is that I wrote a good OOTWW blog yesterday, featuring the righteous, reigning writer of rhyme, Rhymesauce, and few saw it!

So, PLEASE take a little tom to check it out. 

I thin you'll like it!

I'll do the thinnin around here, Baba Looey!

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