Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Driving Ain't The Same 

As most of you faithful readers already know, I was born and raised in St. Louis, where the traffic is about a billion times worse than up here in Central Illinois. 

In those olden days (circa 1960), a good defensive driver in St. Loo might have a "close call" with a negligent operator of a vehicle once a month, at the most.

Nowadays, we seem to have a couple of close calls with a negligent operator of a vehicle every time we venture out!

Let's face it, there are way too many distractions for 21st century drivers who can't worry about watching for other cars. 

They've got texts to text, movies to watch, GPS's to follow, dogs in their laps, food to eat, drinks to drink, music to be-bop to (be-bop?), cigarettes to smoke, makeup to apply, and so on and so forth. 

In addition, here are some NEW things to watch for, that folks didn't do that much in the ancient 20th century...

1. "They" begin braking at GREEN lights, because they THINK the light will turn red at any moment. That is a no no. That will cause a rear-ender. Go like heck when you see a green light or amber light, like we used to do in "the day."

2. "They" pull out in front of you when you're innocently travelin' down the street at the suggested speed limit, when you're 15 feet away from the intersection!  I sometimes think my car has a "cloaking device" that inadvertently clicks on at random times. 

3. "They" fall asleep at red lights, even though they have the solemn responsibility to get goin', lickity split, to allow all the others cars to make it through the light. 

Well, my fiends, that's all I can stand to talk about today. My blood pressure is climbing to the stratosphere, as I discuss the stupid way indivisibles drive nowadays, compared to the PERFECT drivers of yesteryear!!

This classic cartoon tells it the best!

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