Friday, March 12, 2021


Freewheelin' Friday, Folks!

Once again I've decided to take the immense risk of writing whatever comes to my imaginary mind, with no pre-advanced notions of what to pontificate about.

  1. 1.
    express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic.
    "he was pontificating about art and history"
    hold forth
    lay down the law
    sound off

Pontification is absolutely not my goal, but I oft times come across as a prolific pontificator, because I'm so passionate about a plethora of politically "poison" positions.

Like how social media is nasty and crude, folks should be nice, instead of so rude, and babes should be loved, even there in the womb, and "BigBro shouldn't track us from cradle to tomb.

Freedom of speech should be freedom for all, whether you're D.J. Trump or lib Tamron Hall.

And no one should tell me what I can and can't eat, or what I may wear when I walk down the street.

You best not be banning the stuff I love best, my mind needs diversity in my brains quest.

I'll decide for myself where I'll go on this day, whether to school or to church where I'll pray.

The words that I'm speaking may make you upended, but I'll say them out loudly, even though you're offended.

Not really. I actually don't want to offend my fellow citizens that I love, but I, sometimes, inadvertently, do. 

Okay! So have a super weak end! Weak end?

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