Monday, March 15, 2021

Rocky/Black Beauty...What's Better?

As most of you already know, I posted pictures of a super cool, black squirrel that lives by my mother-in-law, in Creve Coeur Il. 

Some of you commented, "Oh, yeah, I've seen black squirrels many times."

Well, good for you, but in all my 70 years, and all my travels, explorations and discoveries... I've NEVER seen a black squirrel, until I saw Rocky!

Yes, I named him Rocky, because that's the first squirrel name that came to mind. 

I couldn't remember her nameęś›

I hope I get a close up photo of Rocky one day, because he, or she, is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

Even more black and beautiful than the baby black fox, below ↓

Rocky is VERY intelligent, me thinks, because he/she never let's us get close enough to take a decent photo.

If a miracle happens, and we are able to take a close up picture of that black beauty (maybe I should have named Rocky, Black Beauty), I'll share it with the whole wide worm! 

Which name do you guys and gals prefer?


  1. well there is a song about Rocky (spelling !) yes about a raccoon , so what. but no song about black beauty ?? We have seen a black tree rat just once around here and HE was not a she for sure . when he stood up you could obviously tell he was hangin and packin !

    1. Ha ha! Hey! I'm the comedian around here! Stop being funnier than me! Lol!
